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Submitting Requests with Asana

Use this famously user-friendly project management tool to Zap your requests straight to your Design Pickle queue.

CJ Robles avatar
Written by CJ Robles
Updated over a week ago

Exclusive to our Pro, Premium, and Power plan subscribers.

Ready to use your favorite project management application to submit your design requests?

This article going to take you through the steps that will let you use Asana to submit design requests to your Design Pickle designer.

Side note: this task is just to submit your requests. You will need to set up additional Zaps to receive replies or deliver your files to Asana.

What You'll Need:

  • A Design Pickle account

  • An Asana account

  • A Zapier account

  • 5-10 minutes to set up the Zap

Step 1

Log in to Asana to get started

You'll want to add a sample design request as a task in Asana before beginning setting up the Zap (to test the connection)

  • Include a Description, a Title, and multiple Attachments. Consider how many attachments you will likely be uploading with each request. During the setup, we will be adding this number of files per request. If you ever need to attach more than the number you choose, please use a .zip file format to load all of your attachments.

  • Also, feel free to use this as a "real" request - meaning you can write it up like you were requesting something from your designer! You'll be able to submit it later in the process.

Once you've added this task, create a new tag in your Asana account called "Submit to Design Pickle" (or something of the sort). Tag your task with your new Design Pickle tag, so Zapier knows to send the request to Design Pickle.

Step 2

Once this task is ready to go in Asana, head over to Zapier begin to create a Zap!

For the first app, choose Asana and for the second, choose Design Pickle. For the trigger, select "Tag Added to Task" and for the action, select "Create Request":

Step 3

Set Up The Zap - The Trigger from Asana

1) If you haven’t already, connect the Asana account you plan to use to create your design requests. Once you’ve selected the account you would like to connect, click “Continue”

2) In Asana, make sure your task is tagged with your Design Pickle label. You will use this tag any time you want to add a request to your Design Pickle queue.

  • If you haven't already done this, you can create a new tag by hitting “tab + t” on your keyboard. We recommend naming it something like "Send to Design Pickle" or "Design Pickle Request"

3) From the dropdown menu in Zapier, select the tag you just created. You may have to refresh your choices for it to pop up in your list of options.

4) Click “Continue”. Zapier will then pull in a sample. Your sample should include the same information you created in your sample request.

5) Just click “continue” here as well. This will complete the trigger section of the setup.

Step 4

The Request for Design Pickle

1) Make sure the "Event" is to create a request and click "Continue"

2) Connect your Design Pickle account if you haven’t already. If you haven’t, you’ll be asked for your API key which you can find in Zapier will prompt you to add your API token in a popup window to verify the connection to Design Pickle. Once connected, hit "Continue."

3) Customize the request with the following fields:

  • Zapier Item ID: ID Number

  • Subject: Asana Task Name

  • Details: Notes from Asana

  • Size: Manually type in “See Description”

  • Files: choose Attachment URL from Asana in the first field. Once you insert the first attachment, a new field will appear underneath. Continue until all of your test attachments are uploaded.

  • The rest of the fields can be left blank because this information will go in the task description (including File Type, Copy, Brand, and additional direction)

4) Send a test request to Design Pickle to try it out

5) Check your Design Pickle queue, and if it was successful, go ahead and turn your Zap on!

Note: If you submitted a test request, please remember to cancel the request. Otherwise, your designer may be confused.

When you create a new task in Asana, make sure you include the following :

  • the name of the task

  • a description (be sure to include any notes for your designer including things like size and what you’re looking and not looking for)

  • attachments of inspiration you like

When it looks good, then just add the tag you created that sends the task to Design Pickle to get it over to your designer.

The Zap runs every 15 minutes, so it will not send it right away. Please be patient and check to make sure the request was added later.

Within Asana, Zapier will only read the information at the time the tag is submitted.

So, what does that mean?

If you add a tag and then make any changes, Zapier will not be able to see any modifications after the task is modified. If you need to make changes to an Asana task that was already sent to Design Pickle, you'll have to create an entirely new task in Asana with your new information and then apply the tag.

Therefore, we recommend adding the tag only when the request has a unique title, complete description, and is ready to be sent to your designer.

Want additional Zapier support from Design Pickle?

We’ve got you covered.

Need further help? Email us through [email protected], or click the chat button on the lower right-hand side of this window to chat with us.

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