Design Pickle's annotation tool is a game-changer when communicating your feedback to your designer. With this tool, you can show your designer exactly what needs to be changed, edited, or revised!
In this guide, we'll walk you through these topics:
Go to the Requests page and click on your request
Review the delivered design(s)
Click on the clipboard icon to write a reply with your revision(s)
This also brings up the conversation thread with your designer
Type in your revision. When ready, click the paper plane button to send your revision.
While this is the most straightforward way to submit revisions, the next section is the most effective and encouraged way.
Go to the Requests page and click on your request
Select the individual file/asset you want to get revised.
Click on the pencil icon (beside the hand icon)
Click & drag your cursor to highlight a portion of the asset you want to annotate. The annotations section will appear on the right side of the screen.
Type in your note in the text field
Click the paper plane button to send your revision.
Repeat steps 4-6 to add multiple annotations to the same asset or across different assets.
Important Final Step: Once all your annotations are set, click on Send Updates to Creative button to save your annotation notes and submit your feedback/revisions!
You can also annotate on your uploaded files or stock images from our stock image libraries.
Click on Stock Libraries or Upload Files and select the image you want to upload.
Once your image is selected, you may follow the steps from 2. How To Submit A Revision Using Annotations
The process is slightly different for Presentation Designs. With a presentation file, instead of individually listed slides, they will appear as pages in the previewer.
Select the page that you want to annotate on
Follow the same steps from 2. How To Submit A Revision Using Annotations above
That's it!
Go to the annotations section and look for the note you want to delete
Click on the trash bin icon, to delete your annotation
That's it!
How many revisions do I get?
You can have as many revisions as you need. Just remember that each revision counts as a new creative round and may affect the delivery timelines of other pending/active requests.
I'm revising an old request. Why does the revision page look different?
Requests submitted through the old form (prior to Dec 5, 2023) will utilize the old revision experience, while those submitted through the new form will benefit from the updated revision process.
Over time, as old requests get completed and archived, all revision pages will look the same, and you'll see the same layout for all your new requests.
Need further help? Email us through [email protected], or click the chat button on the lower right-hand side of this window to chat with us.