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How Do I Save A Draft Request?

With A Push Of A Button, Or Automatically Design Pickle's Auto-Save Feature

CJ Robles avatar
Written by CJ Robles
Updated over a week ago

There are two ways you can save a draft request in the Design Pickle Platform.

  1. Manually (With A Push Of A Button: 'Save And Close')

  2. Automatically (With Our Auto-Save Feature)

Not ready to submit what you just spent 20 minutes typing up? Still need to find some bits of copy or the perfect image?

Save your request as a draft by hitting the 'Save and Close' button.

Ever been typing up a request and got sidetracked down a rabbit hole of cute fall outfits and coconut oil tips on Pinterest? In the process, you close all your tabs, including that Design Pickle Platform request you were working on. Oops!

Good news: The Design Pickle Platform's auto-save feature has your back.

Even if you close things accidentally, the details you've put into your draft request will be auto-saved.

However, there are a few things to take note of:

  1. Typed-up instructions will only get saved if you hit 'enter'

  2. Anything in the open text field will not get saved unless you press 'enter'

  3. A line underneath the text field prompts you to press 'enter' for another line. Not only does it add another line to your list of directions, but once you press enter, the instructions will get saved in your draft!

  1. Once you're ready to add the finishing details of your request, head to your Request Queue and click on the Draft tab.

  2. Click on the draft you'd like to edit to pull it up. Once you're ready to submit, click the Send to my designer button!

Need further help? Email us through [email protected], or click the chat button on the lower right-hand side of this window to chat with us.

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